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Ryan Schaitkin

Joined: 11/10/2019 Posts: 108
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Pitt down five!

With 6:49 to go in this one, Pitt is down by just five points, as Duke leads 66-61.

Hanging with the kings of the ACC on a regular basis would've been unimaginable two years ago in the Stallings era. Just in the last two weeks though, Pitt lost in OT to Louisville, and is now within striking distance of Duke on the road.

(In response to this post by Ryan Schaitkin)

Posted: 01/28/2020 at 10:46PM


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Current Thread:
Pitt at Duke - Jan. 28, 2019 - 9PM - Live Game Thread -- Ryan Schaitkin 01/28/2020 8:43PM
  Pitt down five! -- Ryan Schaitkin 01/28/2020 10:46PM
  Pre-game Poll -- Ryan Schaitkin 01/28/2020 9:17PM
  It may not last... -- Ryan Schaitkin 01/28/2020 9:23PM
  Starting five for Pitt tonight at no. 9 Duke -- Ryan Schaitkin 01/28/2020 8:48PM

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